Rio: Tai, you are potato, i’m tomato; becuz your skin is lighter than mine. It doesn’t mean i like tomato. I hate tomato, so hand me the cucumber in your bowl now.
Tai: i dont feed a multiple-face like you.
Rio: who else doesn’t have multiple-faces? (remember you’re a Gemini)
Kym: i dont get what you guys are saying, so, Rio, how your Vietnamese bf? (she knows the right way to change the topic xD)
Rio: he’s doing well.
Tai: where is he?
Rio: Georgia.
Tai: come to think of it. You’re in a relationship with a Georgia guy while there’re a guy here feeding you when you’re starving.
Kym: Tai, are you jealous? Do you love her? Come on, Tai. Say it out. I support you.
Rio: It’s fine, buddy. Don’t mind. I always support lesbian love, you know. (BURNNNNNNNN !!!!!)
Tai: what the heck? How can?
Rio: btw, give me the cucumber. I haven’t eaten anything today.
Kym: why?
Rio: cuz I got these freaking $50 stuff at Best Buy, and I need to save money. Give me the cucumber please, Tai.
Tai: You ate almost my meal, so, NO.
Rio: please, Tai!
*he ate the last piece of cucumber X-( *
Rio: fck you. Go die in hell!
Tai: see, that’s what she say to a guy who gave her almost his lunch.
Rio: ok, first, thank you for your lunch. second, go die!
Tai: multiple-faces
Rio: shut up. You selfish badass!
Kym: oh no, it’s again.
The last time I fight with Tai was because he ignored me while sitting with an looking-innocent blonde girl. I posted on Facebook and kept making fun of him.
It’s always happening in that way. Me and Tai fight with each other. Kym tries to lowered the hotness. And then we *attack* each other for something else.
Today Tai gave me half of his lunch, and Kym offered me her too-sweet coffee. So, I was saved from being starving xD
One of the best things in Texas is them – my adorable funny crazy buddies.