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Category: Journal

On This Side Where Everything Will Go On

There are tons of emotional meaningful content on the Internet, but video clips of someone convincing another person not to suicide always get me. That kind of clips contains a lot of things that are beyond my knowledge and emotion. I majored in Public Relations – a critical part of my career is to pursue people to do something. Sometimes you have to negotiate to pursue. And most of the times, to negotiate means to compromise. Yet in what way can one person compromise with another person being on the edge of a suicide? It’s truly a win-lose but very delicate…

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I’m on the road, and I will always be.

Source: Phan & Lâm – Love Hits The Road Recently, I have got bored of a lot of things: social media, music, news, people (either public figures or some of my friends), even writing. At some point, I’m even freaked out thinking how my life would turn if nothing could lift my mood up, nothing could give me goosebumps just thinking of it, nothing could make me so excited that I felt as if there were an aura glowing around my head. But after all, I still get all of those when I’m planning for an upcoming trip. I already…

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