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Tag: Boston

Of Late I Think Of My Folk

Some days ago, I texted the guy who hosted my blog for free and asked how he has been doing. He went back to Vietnam 4 months ago after maybe nearly 10 years living in the United States. He is one of a very few people I respect in Texas. While almost everyone will tell you how dumb you are when you date an abroad student (just like you) or you should get some fake marriage because that’s what a good child is supposed to do so you can pay your parents’ investment back, he simply told me to just do whatever makes me happy.

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To All Of The Good Unexpected Things In My Life

The Pink Room I always need some time to cope with a new room or a new house. Moving in feels like to be forced to make best friend forever with a total stranger who I don’t know if they’re a good fit or have some bad habits I can’t stand. Thus I rarely arrange my room when I just move in (beside another reason that I’m an lazy ass). I would wait for some days or weeks until I get to know the room, the windows and the light better, until I feel ready to make a commitment with…

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Why I Didn’t Walk On My Graduation Day

Today while panickily packing my stuff to move out, I realized that everyone around me was celebrating their graduation. My former classmates in Communications department have flooded my Facebook news feed with bright smiles and shout-outs for weeks. As for myself, I decided to skip the ceremony like the last time I did on my community college’s graduation day. Not being sure about a plan for a Master’s degree, I realized that I possibly already missed the last commencement of my lifetime.  As I became aware of that, for a moment I freaked out wondering if later in life I…

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